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The Hamilton Review

Mar 1, 2022

Join us for the latest episode of The Hamilton Review Podcast! In this conversation, Dr. Bob has an in depth and important discussion about demography with Ayo Wahlberg, an anthropologist at the University of Copenhagen.

Dr. Bob and Dr. Wahlberg discuss why fertility rates are falling and what impact will that have on our world. They also dig into why many people are opting to have fewer children or in some cases, completely deciding not to have children at all.

Friends, this is an important discussion and we hope you take away a great deal of information. Enjoy!


Ayo Wahlberg Biography  

Ayo Wahlberg is an anthropologist at the University of Copenhagen who has carried out research at the world’s largest fertility clinic in China, showing how assisted reproductive technologies were developed at a time when the country was doing everything to prevent birth through its ‘one child policy’ from the 1980s through to 2015. He is the author of Good Quality – the Routinization of Sperm Banking in China (University of California Press).


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