Feb 25, 2021
In part two of this special series, Dr. Bob speaks again with Dr. Karen Randall and Dr. Brad Roberts, emergency room physicians in Pueblo, Colorado. Doctors Randall and Roberts share more details and statistics about how marijuana use can ruin a community. This is a must listen episode!
About Dr. Karen...
Feb 23, 2021
In this episode, Dr. Bob speaks with Dr. Karen Randall and Dr. Brad Roberts, emergency room physicians in Pueblo, Colorado. Doctors Randall and Roberts first walk us through the process of how cannabis was legalized (and portrayed to be a positive, money maker) in their town of Pueblo, Colorado. The conversation...
Feb 18, 2021
Feb 16, 2021
In this conversation, Dr. Bob and Amy E. Feldman discuss the current trend of teenagers engaging in sexting. Amy gives her expertise and knowledge on how sexting and be not only emotionally damaging, but can have serious legal repercussions. Do not miss this very important episode.
Amy E. Feldman is a...
Feb 12, 2021
In this bonus episode Dr. Bob and Dr. Alice Kuo discuss the specific, critical reasons why children need to go back to school. Dr. Kuo wrote a powerful OP ED in the LA Times this week and shares in detail about the article. This is an important conversation during the COVID 19 pandemic that every parent and educator...